Many times in the last few years I have been requested to access a variety of YouTube clips. YouTube ‘is a video sharing website on which users can upload and share videos (Wikipedia, 2009). It can be used for both personal and educational purposes and anyone can upload any video or visual slide show that they wish. When I was thinking about how I could implement YouTube clips into the classroom, I began to think of safety issues that could arise from this online tool. This free video site allows users to view chosen videos and comment on them. This could possibly pose a problem as if the learning manager were to access the YouTube clip and then replay it for the students to watch; offensive comments may have been added. In order to assure this does not occur, a program called NetVid can be downloaded. NetVid allows you to download videos to your account and replay them at any time. This assures that the net safety issues are not a problem when utilizing YouTube’s features.
How could YouTube be used in a classroom environment?
Just like YouTube, TeacherTube allows you to access videos. The difference being that TeacherTube focuses on educational resources that may be used in the classroom (Wikipedia, 2009). I explored both of these sites and found a fantastic video on YouTube that goes through a slide show of Australian Aboriginals. Although I am not in a school placement this year, I am volunteering in a year seven class. They are learning about the world around them and the students are all in different groups to represent a country where they have to research different cultures. To ensure the students understand what they are doing, the learning manager is completing the learning experiences they need to do in their groups for assessment as a whole class activity. For the class activities, they are looking at Australian Aboriginals culture so they are familiar of the processes they need to go through to achieve the assessment for their assigned countries.
With this in mind, I though that it would be great to find a clip that would be used at the very beginning of the unit as a hook to engage the learners. The YouTube video that I have chosen gives an overview of all of the cultural characteristics that we will be looking at as a class for the unit. It demonstrates Aboriginal food, dance, art, clothing, rituals, communities, housing, weapons, tools and climate. By giving the students an overview, it allows them to see where they are headed in their learning journey and can then relate their learning’s about Aboriginal culture to their assigned countries.
YouTube is also great to use when wanting to show students things that cannot be experienced or witnessed in the school environment. Using my idea of incorporating YouTube into the classroom, I am embedding Aboriginal Indigenous perspectives.
‘Appropriate inclusion of Indigenous perspectives within the whole school
environment requires processes and practices to be embedded within four
distinct areas of the school, which will be described further in this document:
1. personal and professional accountability
2. organisational environment
3. community partnerships
4. curriculum and pedagogy.
(Queensland Government, 2009).’
YouTube and TeacherTube are great tools to use to assure the students have the best opportunities to understand the learning tasks. As long as they are applied in a safe way with net security and educational outcomes, then the students will reap the benefits.
Yell, I’m off to research Pod casting.
Wish me luck
Queensland Government (2009) Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander perspectives in schools. Viewed on 18/08/09 from:
Wikipedia, (2009). Youtube. Viewed on 18/08/09 from:
How could YouTube be used in a classroom environment?
Just like YouTube, TeacherTube allows you to access videos. The difference being that TeacherTube focuses on educational resources that may be used in the classroom (Wikipedia, 2009). I explored both of these sites and found a fantastic video on YouTube that goes through a slide show of Australian Aboriginals. Although I am not in a school placement this year, I am volunteering in a year seven class. They are learning about the world around them and the students are all in different groups to represent a country where they have to research different cultures. To ensure the students understand what they are doing, the learning manager is completing the learning experiences they need to do in their groups for assessment as a whole class activity. For the class activities, they are looking at Australian Aboriginals culture so they are familiar of the processes they need to go through to achieve the assessment for their assigned countries.
With this in mind, I though that it would be great to find a clip that would be used at the very beginning of the unit as a hook to engage the learners. The YouTube video that I have chosen gives an overview of all of the cultural characteristics that we will be looking at as a class for the unit. It demonstrates Aboriginal food, dance, art, clothing, rituals, communities, housing, weapons, tools and climate. By giving the students an overview, it allows them to see where they are headed in their learning journey and can then relate their learning’s about Aboriginal culture to their assigned countries.
YouTube is also great to use when wanting to show students things that cannot be experienced or witnessed in the school environment. Using my idea of incorporating YouTube into the classroom, I am embedding Aboriginal Indigenous perspectives.
‘Appropriate inclusion of Indigenous perspectives within the whole school
environment requires processes and practices to be embedded within four
distinct areas of the school, which will be described further in this document:
1. personal and professional accountability
2. organisational environment
3. community partnerships
4. curriculum and pedagogy.
(Queensland Government, 2009).’
YouTube and TeacherTube are great tools to use to assure the students have the best opportunities to understand the learning tasks. As long as they are applied in a safe way with net security and educational outcomes, then the students will reap the benefits.
Yell, I’m off to research Pod casting.
Wish me luck
Queensland Government (2009) Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander perspectives in schools. Viewed on 18/08/09 from:
Wikipedia, (2009). Youtube. Viewed on 18/08/09 from:
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