Monday, August 17, 2009

Setting up my e.Portfolio

So, I have now created a Mahara account and have been having a play around with it to get an understanding of how it works and how the children would feel. I realised how useful it actually is. This e-portfolio can be used many different ways and is a base to not only storer information and work, but to network with others and display interests and personal goals. As Mahara is an open source electronic porfile, it has the ablility to provide the users with the opportunity to create a professional and personal learning journal. It seems like it would be a user orientated lifelong learning application and provides technologically rich and personalised learning (Brown, 2007).

How can it be used in the classroom?

· ‘A ‘learning portfolio’, which documents a student’s learning over time;
· A ‘credential portfolio’, which is used for registration or certification purposes;
· A ‘showcase portfolio’, which students can usewhen applying for employment positions (Butler, 2006).’
When playing around with my Mahara account, I realised how useful this would be to create these accounts for my studetns to showcase to their parents and network about learnings with their friends and teachers. As students really enjoy showcasing their work, Mahara is a great tool to offer the students.


Anderson, B. (2007). Showcasing Mahara: a newopen source e-portfolio. Viewed on 17/08/09 from:

Butler, P. (2006). A review of the literature on portfolios and electronic portfolios. Massey University
College of Education. Available from:

Classroom 2.0 (2009). Whats the best platform to showcase students work? Viewed on 18/08/09 from:

1 comment:

  1. Hello Amy,

    I see your last comment about students using Mahara to showcase to their parents their learning. What a great idea. I was showing a workmate Mahara this week, and she is using it to do up a portfolio for her Recognition of Prior Learning submission to TAFE.

    There really are limitless applications. Thought you would appreciate that one.

